National Conference on

Emerging Issues and Sustainable Strategies in Plant Health Management: A Global Perspective

Date: 19-21 January, 2025

Venue: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Get Ready for the Mega Event

Glimpses of IPS National Conference 2025


Important Announcements

APS Travel Sponsorship for PhD Students to USA

APS Travel Sponsorship for students has been instituted by the IPS. The purpose of this award is to encourage Plant Pathology students pursuing a doctoral degree in India, who are members of IPS, to attend the American Phytopathological Society (APS) Annual Meeting or other APS-approved meetings, if deemed appropriate by the IPS and APS Foundation Board. The award has been established with contributions from plant pathologists of Indian origin. Students will compete at the zonal and national level competitions in India and the awardee will be selected from the top-ranking student presenters at the national level competitions. The terms and conditions for participating in APS meeting are as follows:

  • The fund will be reimbursed to the awardee directly by APS for return airfare from India to the meeting venue, accommodation and
  • The awardee is expected to bear the cost of meeting
  • There will be no financial liability to the
  • All the contestants/recipients should be members of the Society during the year of the
  • The contestants will have to submit a brief biodata, certificate furnishing the age and proof of pursuing PhD (First to Third year only) along with a short note (not exceeding one page) stating how participation in the APS meeting will help in the achievement of their professional
  • The award will be given to the best paper presented in the Annual Meeting of
  • The awards will be judged by a committee appointed for the purpose and their decision will be
  • The award will be given only to the PhD student presenting the
  • The time allocated for the presentation of the paper is 15
  • In-service candidates are not eligible for this APS travel

Prof. M J Narasimhan Merit Academic Award

The Zonal Chapter should organize a contest among the zonal members during the Zonal Chapter's Meeting for preliminary selection of contestants. Only two names from each Zonal Chapter will be recommended by Zonal President for the final contest to be held during Annual Meeting of the Society. The age limit for the contestant would be 35 years. The selected contestant will provide an abstract upto 250 words along with brief biodata to the Secretary, Indian Phytopathological Society through Zonal President by 30th November, 2024. The Society will award a medal to award recipient and Commendation Certificate to other contestants. Society will publish the paper of awardee in Indian Phytopathology. The award recipient must submit full-length paper (as per IPS guidelines) for its publication in the journal Indian Phytopathology. There is no restriction of the age of co-author, if any. The paper should be submitted online editorialmanager.com

Prof. M J Narasimhan Merit Academic Award contest shall be organized during the Annual Meeting of IPS. The contestants have to furnish a certificate. The certificate template is available in the Download section.