National Conference on

Emerging Issues and Sustainable Strategies in Plant Health Management: A Global Perspective

Date: 19-21 January, 2025

Venue: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Get Ready for the Mega Event

Glimpses of IPS National Conference 2025

Sponsorship Category

Find the most suitable sponsorship option for your brand and become a part of the biggest event on phytopathology in India.

Platinum Sponsor
(Sponsorship amount: ₹ 10.00 lakh + 18% GST each)

Limited to only one (02) company/firms

  • Five complimentary registrations.
  • Two full page color advertisements in the souvenir.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.) as platinum sponsor.
  • Right to add 5 promotional materials (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Broadcasting up to two corporate videos (maximum 5 minutes) and/or promotional advertisements (maximum 1 minute) on the AV screen in the food court.
  • Recognition as platinum sponsor at inaugural and valedictory function.

Diamond Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: ₹ 5.00 lakh + 18% GST each

Limited to only three (04) companies/firms.

  • Three complimentary registrations.
  • One full page color advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.) as diamond sponsor.
  • Right to add 4 promotional materials (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as diamond sponsor at inaugural and valedictory function.

Gold Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: ₹ 3.00 lakh + 18% GST each

Limited to only five (06) companies/firms.

  • Two complimentary registrations.
  • One full page B/w or half page color advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.) as gold sponsor.
  • Right to add 3 promotional materials (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as gold sponsor at inaugural and valedictory function.

Silver Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: ₹ 2.00 lakh + 18% GST each

Limited to only ten (10) companies/firms.

  • One complimentary registration.
  • One half page B/w advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.) as silver sponsor.
  • Right to add 2 promotional brochures/pamphlet (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as silver sponsor at valedictory function.

Bronze Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: ₹ 1.00 lakh + 18% GST each

Limited to only twenty-five (25) companies/firms.

  • One quarter page B/w advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Right to add 1 promotional brochure/pamphlet (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as bronze sponsor at valedictory function.

Grand Lunch and Gala Dinner Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: Please contact the Convenor

Limited with four (6) companies/firms.
Opportunity for co-sponsorship.

  • One complimentary registration for each sponsor.
  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Recognition as distinguished sponsor at inaugural and valedictory function.
  • Right to put standee mounted 2 flex banners (to be provided by the sponsor) inside the food court area.

Poster Area Sponsor
Sponsorship amount: Rs. 0.75 lakh + 18% GST each

Limited with four (4) companies/firms.
Opportunity for co-sponsorship.

  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Right to put standee mounted 2 flex banners (to be provided by the sponsor) inside the poster presentation area.
  • Recognition as distinguished sponsor at valedictory function.

Conference Kit Sponsor

Limited with four (05) companies/firms for conference bag (02) and programme booklet (02)
Opportunity for co-sponsorship for conference bag and programme booklet
Sponsorship amount and benefits:


Amount (Rs.)


Conference bag


3.00 lakh + 18% GST

  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Sponsor's Logo on the conference bag.
  • Right to put standee mounted 1 flex banner (to be provided by the sponsor) near the registration desk.
  • One complimentary registration.
  • One full page B/w or half page color advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.).
  • Right to add 1 promotional material (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as distinguished sponsor at valedictory function.

Programme booklet

2.00 lakh + 18% GST

  • Logo and Sponsor's Name on the conference website.
  • Sponsor's Logo on the back cover of the programme booklet.
  • One complimentary registration.
  • One half page page B/w advertisement in the souvenir.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.).
  • Right to add 1 promotional material (to be provided by the sponsor) to delegate bags.
  • Recognition as distinguished sponsor at valedictory function.
  • Right to put standee mounted 1 flex banner (to be provided by the sponsor) near the registration desk.

Special Sessions

Interested Government Organizations/Institutions can organize a special session of 1 hour 30 min duration for the farmers/growers/students and other stakeholders.
Amount: ₹ 2.00 lakh + 18% GST each

  • One complementary registration.
  • Logo on the conference website.
  • Logo on the printed materials (Signages, Main Stage Backdrop, etc.).
  • Right to add 2 promotional brochures/pamphlet to delegate bags.
  • Recognition at valedictory function.
Add-on Benefits:
  • One full page color advertisement in the souvenir with additional ₹ 1.00 lakh + 18% GST

Exhibition Stall

Interested Government Organizations/Institutions can showcase their innovations, products, services and other activities during the conference.
Stall charge: ₹ 1.50 lakh + 18% GST each
Stall Size: 10 feet x 10 feet space with one table and two chairs

  • One complementary registration.
  • Logo on the conference website.
  • Right to add 2 promotional brochures/pamphlet to delegate bags.
  • Recognition at valedictory function.
Add-on Benefits:
  • One full page color advertisement in the souvenir with additional ₹ 1.00 lakh + 18% GST

For any queries related to sponsorship, feel free to write to us: info@ipsconfnagpur.org